Let me preface this by saying I eat a lot, and I mean a lot of hummous and falafel. This has to be one of the best joints for a quick bite of falafel I have ever been to. It's up there with Frank's Falafel House for sure.
I've been there twice now, and I plan to go back again. The hummous has a great tang to it and they include some chickpeas on top of it which was a classy touch. I ordered the falafel sandwich and it was delicious. Perfectly spiced falafel, some nice hot sauce (although, and this is not to discredit this fine establishment, no hot sauce can top Aladdin's), all wrapped up in a delicious pita.
I sincerely wish someone would bring this concept to Tremont, a quick, open relatively late, falafel shop. (I know dervish grill is here but I dislike it).