I recently got a 2014 Nissan Sentra from these people, well Tevin B. was AMAZING!!!.... Anyways, a month later I'm getting threatening texts from Joe B stating if I dont bring the car back by the end of the day (Friday), they'll report it stolen!And that they WILL GET THEIR CAR BACK ! He also told me I would get charged for every mile I put on it.. And they want me to re sign a contract and put $1000 more down... NO. So after my dad got involved we agreed we'd bring it back on Monday when we got back from vacation. Then Joe B proceeds to say, No we need it back TODAY not Monday and that they'd get the police involved and get a tow truck. So My dad is PISSED at this point, so he's coming back early from the trip and said we'll bring it Sunday and to have our $1000 check ready! Long story short DO NOT GO TO SHOWCASE HONDA! Their work ethics are terrible !