| - While driving home last night, we decided to drive up 7th St and look for a Mexican restaurant. Sadly, we found Jordan's. The outside looks very nice. Once inside, it's obvious this place hasn't been updated since 1981- lots of dark, heavy wood & wrought iron. NICE! I loved it. REALLY! I loved it enough to overlook the amazingly creepy carpeting figuring if they updated the carpeting, they'd have to update the rest of the decor, too. We were blown-away, in a really, really bad way, when the chips & salsa noted by others, it tastes like ketchup with some chili powder mixed in. Horrible. We already ordered drinks & didn't want to split and stiff our waitress so we ordered a cheese crisp. The cheese crisp was fine. Sadly, we didn't have any salsa to put on it.
Other reviewers pointed out that aside from salsa, it was a good experience. Whatever. I suppose these same folks would be fine with a blind date who arrived in dirty clothing & who hadn't showered in a week. If a Mexican restaurant can't do a decent salsa, they don't get a 2nd chance.