I have banked with Bank of America for some 20 years but they have committed the ultimate faux-pas with their legal department. They illegally seized ALL of my and my children's' accounts - some of which contained my children's death benefits and my retirement fund deposits in them, which is against federal law. The Texas judge who fired off the order immediately reversed the order and apologized for the mistake AND also said that what Bank of America did was against federal law. So, Bank of America returned our money after about a week but Bank of America has decided to keep $100 dollars for "legal fees" and $10 from an overdraft protection fee that cleaned out a savings account when the order was issued. Even the SS agents say this act of seizing death benefits done by Bank of America was illegal in the first place "but this happens all the time with Bank of America" they said.
Oh, I talked to every manager I could at the Bank of America legal department in California until I reached AJ, who said he was at the top of the legal department. He bluntly said, "we are keeping your money".
Well Bank of America, you won your $110 for now but you lost 7 accounts already by us closing our accounts to keep you from doing further illegal things to us. I will continue to recommend that people make other banking arrangements to protect themselves from the predatory ways of the Bank of America legal department.
Sincerely, Craig Stellpflug - former Bank of America customer