| - My phone wasn't working, so I called apple support. They were very friendly, and set up an appointment for a replacement.
I walked into this Apple Store, and was friendly greeted by a young man. He checked me in, and told me to sit at a table. I waited, and waited, for about 30 minutes - 1 hour. Then I noticed that all the people sitting with me had already been helped. As I noticed this, I knew they would call me next. Then someone checked in, and sat down, near me. About five minute later, he was called for his appointment. I was very upset.
I went up to someone working there, and told them what had happened. They apologized, and told me that I had not checked in. I then told them that I did already check in. They were surprised, but they found someone to help me right away.
A older lady (probably in her fifties), with glasses, came and told me she would help me today. She asked me what the problem was with my phone. I told her the issue and she took my phone to here computer. She tried about 5 tests, spending about an hour. She looked like she had no idea what she was doing, and she was very slow. I told her that Apple Support told me, that I only had to replace it, not do test or anything. She said, "That may be so." And continued her last test.
Finally when we completed all of her tests, she said, "It looks like you will need a new replacement." I was extremely frustrated. She got a new phone, and started setting it up with me. She switched SIM cards and all kinds of things. She looked like she had no idea what she was doing. Then, when she was about to finish setting it up, she said that it is not working, and to go to the Sprint store.
I rushed out of the mall to the closest sprint store. I took my phone to them, and they discovered, that the apple lady, had switched the SIM card, when she wasn't supposed to. The friendly Sprint man put a new SIM card in, and said that this phone is not working. He told me to take it back to Apple, for a replacement.
So, I rushed back to Apple. When I got there, I went up to the lady, that had helped me before. She ignored me and walked away. I tried to walk up to her, and she told me, very rudely, "Your going to have to make another appointment. I can't help you know, I have two other customers."
How am I supposed to make another appointment for a different date, without a working phone?!?
I immediately went up to one of the friendly workers at the front of the store. I told them, "I was just here, and they replaced my phone. Then they had trouble, and sent me to Sprint. I went to Sprint, and they said I need another replacement! I don't know! I am so confused!"
They immediately got me in with a young friendly technician. He replaced my phone, and sent me back to Sprint!
I once again rushed back to Sprint, where there, they activated my phone!
My appointment was for 11:30. I left at 2:30.
I would have expected more, from a professional business like apple.