Needed to kill two hours on a Friday afternoon and knew I could not go wrong with a Native NewYorker. Three things appeal to me when coming to one of these franchised restaurants: wifi, beer and wings.
I needed to work (I teach online) and there wifi was spotty at best. First 10 minutes were great and then nothing. Just spun and would not connect. I even told my serve who just shrugged and acted like my needs were not important.
I asked my server what IPAs were on tap and she looked at me like I was speaking Klingon. She had absolutely NO idea what I was saying. I finally had to convince her to go to the bar and write down everything on tap (not only for me but also for the next poor bloke who wanted a drink that evening!). I ordered what she promised to be a Sierra Nevada IPA but definitely tasted like no IPA I ever had before in my entire life (and that's saying a lot). I would've sent it back but she would've been confused even more.
When I got to Native's I like the wings boneless since I am usually doing a work dinner and need clean hands for my laptop. I got my usual honey hot which had absolutely no kick to them and tasted a little like soggy cardboard. Not good at all.
I watched the manager walk around and greet almost every single table around me, but never came over. Ever. I wanted to call him over and tell him my concerns, but I wasn't sure where to start & I just wanted to choke down the cardboard, chug my flat acid and get the hell out of there.