Currently THE hottest upscale club in Vegas!
I must admit clubbing is getting old for me...been there done that.
A few weekends ago, me+friends went club hopping 3 clubs each night we were there (3nights)! Only to check out the scene or whatnot.
No cover(had passes) and a short line on at XS on Fri night.
XS was the only club we had to wait about 15 min in line for.
Couldn't really get around those line nazi's.
I must be getting old. haha
This venue is top floor and outside pool area-No doors to cram through!
You can dip our bare feet inside the pool, which all the girls are soOo tempted to do after prancing around the club all night.
Music was good and to be honest the crowd was much better than other clubs.
Some other clubs are really really ghetto.
ie. Prive, Pure, Tabu, Tao, and that other one in Venetian...
Bank was okay-but need more Bank theme going on, Tryst and Jet I hear are still good.
I stuck with the Patron shots, it's not too bad @ $13/shot.