If you want to go to a place that makes assorted chocolate products and sells them (while not always fresh) for exorbitant prices then Lilly Handmade Chocolates is for you. It feels like a place that people go for the label. I decided to try a few different pieces (after being accosted by the overzealous salesman). I think that Lilly Handmade seems to be going for an experience instead of for an excellent product. I don't know enough about the products and where they come from- are they organic but also harvested by slave labor? These are things I've frankly not looked into because I really didn't enjoy my visit. Maybe I'll give it another try later on after educating myself. Right now I'll pass on Lilly Handmade Chocolates. I want something good and something that doesn't try too hard to be good. I felt as though this place was trying very hard to be something and I'm still not quite sure what.