Having recently come back from a visit to Paris and having heard about Pain Perdu for some time, we were anxious to try it out. Finally made it there today and yes - the croque monsieur was excellent, staff was very pleasant, but the thing we were hoping to find, was a proper french baguette in Toronto.
We kept hearing that Pain Perdu imported the flour (type 55) from France and so it was the "real thing" but wow - we were so disappointed with our baguette. Ace bakery, which we always thought was mediocre, we feel is better than what we bought at Pain Perdu.
Theirs is definitely NOT what we bought and ate in Paris (at a proper boulangerie) - nothing like it at all. So sad, we had really hoped to be able to get a good proper french baguette but it was not to be. Not the right consistency, crust really odd and no flavour! So disappointed!!