I moved here from California back in May (2017) and so I was used to having several Whole Foods to choose from. It is unfortunate that there aren't more Whole Foods Markets to choose from here in the Phoenix area. This Whole Foods Market is very nice and clean and the staff are friendly. They carry all the items and goodies you would expect at Whole Foods.
One thing that they have here that I don't recall seeing back in LA is their Wok bar. You go up to the Wok bar and choose your ingredients and they make it all for you there for like $8... great for a healthy and easy lunch option. The thing I don't like here is the hot bar... it sucks. I don't know who cooks the food but they seem to be afraid of salt and seasonings and taste in general. The food is very bland and terrible options.
The Whole Foods in Santa Monica, for example, had a really nice Tequila Lime Chicken that was flavorful and usually stocked everyday, and they had a variety of other foods. The hot bar at this Whole Foods usually has some of the same foods and they taste terrible (so bland). As I write this I am eating what I consider a "safe choice"... their Chicken Masala, macaroni and cheese (cause how can you screw that up, right?) and some raw broccoli. I used to go to Whole Foods everyday for lunch back in California, but here I only go maybe twice during the work week.
So if you're not going for the hot bar, this Whole Foods is great! :-)