I'm going to agree with Oscar and give Neonopolis 4 stars for what it's becoming rather than for what it is now. The place is no longer on life support and it shows many signs of life and the future looks brighter from the past years when a few restaurants and shops opened and quickly closed for lack of business.
Telemundo coming and renting a good portion of the area for its studios was a boost. The new Denny's is certainly a boost. There is a new bar, Drink and Drag, that garners good reviews from the Yelp crew. Finally, the new zip line ride is being constructed right in the middle of the place. All these things point to renewed hope for the concept which never really made a go until now.
This morning, I had breakfast at the new Denny's. I parked in the underground garage which is very, very handy! One flight of stairs to walk up and I was there. I was surprised when I got to the booth that there was no charge for the parking. Their website says free parking with validation but Denny's doesn't validate. Perhaps it was because I was less than an hour and it was a weekday morning. Whatever the case, it was a nice bonus. We are so spoiled by the free parking common in Las Vegas.
I'll make a point of coming here more often. I want to ride the new zip line when it's done. Seems like it would make a good UYE.