| - What happens when you start tracking Yelp reviews? You find places like Euphoria! Admittedly, it first crossed my line of sight back in 2011. But how often do I find myself up in Dalhousie for coffee? Not very.
So today, when a friend said a coffee shop in the NW somewhere would be the most convenient for him and I to meet up, I pulled a little coffee shop out of the back of my head. It was time to visit Euphoria!
Unless you're looking for it, or you live in the area you'd likely never know this little cafe exists. It's tucked into a strip mall off of Crowchild and 53rd St. And not even on the busy side where all the big box stores are. No, the other side of Crowchild. But trust me, it's there! It's also just itty bitty. There are maybe 4 sets of high backed chairs along the back wall with little tables to sit at, a pair of sofas near the end and the rest is filled with just simple square tables and chairs. There's not a lot of maneuvering room.
The board is filled with all kinds of different drinks. This isn't just a coffee shop. Juices, smoothies, specialty coffees, gelato... yep, we can most definitely call it a cafe over a coffee shop. I did see some folks on their laptops too. So there may be wifi? I didn't check that one out myself on this visit.
Specialty coffees change monthly. Today, I tried out the Mayan Mocha. With some cayenne pepper sprinkled on top, the first few sips had some kick to it!
If you're in the neighbourhood, or even if you want to head to a new part of the city to explore, go ahead and make the trek!