I left this dentist after a couple of years there. A few years ago Dr. Koeperick left all of his patients in North Scottsdale to open a new office in the S.E. Valley. He brought in a new guy from the Northeast to take over for the Scottsdale office. We asked, "Is he coming back here?" and were told after that after the new office is open in the S.E. Valley for a year or two, then he will leave all the patients there and come back to the office in North Scottsdale. I can't believe that other reviewers aren't mentioning this! Maybe they're new. That's about as bad as it gets and the new guy was neither particularly skilled nor personable. In all fairness, Koepernick was at the Scottsdale office for one-half day a week, but try to get an appointment then!
Then we have the frequent "you got to have this and that done or you're going to die" arm twisting by the staff. For example, I was shown an extreme blow-up of one of my molars and the top surface had the tiniest fracture that you literally could not see without a powerful microscope. I was told the tooth had to be whittled down and a crown used to replace it. Come on! I have fillings on other molars of mine that are in the exact same area and are perfect. I even had part of a molar break off and replaced by bonding material! And I need a crown for this??? I left and went to another dentist. I did not share my skepticism but merely asked his opinion. After struggling to even find the microscopic crack, he said this did not require any work at all, and if it did, a fill with bonding material would suffice. Two years later and that tooth is still fine and the crack has not widened. Dr. Koeperick is more interested in making lots of money than providing what's needed and I'm thoroughly happy with my new dentist.