Whenever I'm craving that bean water when I'm visiting my parents, It's A Grind is the place to go --- mainly because it's the closest coffee shop by their house!
I've only had their Nutty Cow with soy, the Caramel Macchiato with soy, and this hot spiced cider drink they serve around the holidays. It's A Grind always brings warm fuzzy memories of grabbing cider with my older brothers on Christmas morning. I feel for the baristas who work on Christmas, seriously.
The atmosphere at this coffee shop is casual and low-key. Think Starbucks but with less wannabe hipsters and more zombie-like adults trying to get through the day. They have stacks of newspaper for you to borrow to read, plenty of outlets for your electronics, and a wide selection of biscottis for purchase to dunk into your drinks. They're not stingy with the A/C, they don't mind if you sit around for a couple of hours, and the music ain't bad. Two thumbs up for It's A Grind!