Despite the drama with a recent flight and encountering a gaggle of morons in Boston and JFK, the two ladies I worked with at the Delta baggage office in Sky Harbor were friendly, knowledgable and helpful. Karen F. called my cell phone as soon as my bag that had been missing for 4 days and traveling the world arrived. She held it in the office and explained what happened. The office also locks up the bags here, unlike Logan Airport which leaves them out for anyone to take.
When my other bag once lost, but now found was lost returning home, she was able to locate it within minutes. She provided a new claim ticket, indicated the bag would be delivered to my house the next day and if it wasn't there by a specific time, to call back. She also encourage me to call the corporate office and complain about the experience I had so far on the trip. When I mentioned my bag was lost for 4 days and I had to go buy clothes, she asked for the receipts. She wrote a reimbursement check for $500, which she said will be mailed to my home in 7-10 days.
She was able to listen to the problem, come up with solutions and be pleasant when the others in the earlier airports were just idiots.