I dropped into Crossfit Combine while I was visiting Las Vegas for CES. I visit LV often for work and have dropped into a lot of boxes there and this was my first visit to the Combine. It was a little out of the way of where I was staying but it was so worth it. It may not be the most famous box there but by far is my favorite box in Las Vegas.
The Combine very much reminded me of my home Box in Texas. I could tell Coach Colby carried knew what he was doing and carried about his members. I have dropped into a lot of boxes where they don't really seem to care about form or warming up or any fundamentals and the box seems to be there just as a vessel for people to "do stuff". At the Combine Coach Colby spent a lot of time on form, on warming up, on making sure we all were improving. The box was large and had great equipment. The members varied from beginners, recreational crossfitters and athletes. I highly recommend a visit if you are in the area.
Only potential downside was the building was easy to find but it was a little difficult to figure out which door to go into when it was dark. Sorry no pics.. Like I said it was dark outside.