I got ripped off this morning by Health First Urgent Care. I thought the point of using urgent care is to get care and avoid the long lines and wait times in ER. I entered the facility feeling very sick. Given four pages of forms and told it would be $90.00 for the visit because I had no insurance. I understand this and have no problem paying for services rendered. After collecting my fee, a nurse got a set of vitals then a blonde chickie came in to say they could do nothing and I needed to go to the hospital. I don't know if she was a MD or PA or NP or the janitor. No name tag showing and she mumbled a first name so I don't know who she was. My point is they got my money then said they could do nothing. That is wrong,wrong. Going over to the hospital, I realized I did not want to do this over again at the hospital so I just drove home. I would rather die alone in the desert than put up with that BS again. It is so wrong to take advantage of your customers when they are in a weakened state of mind.