| - They have an old Ms. Pacman arcade game that only costs a quarter. It's pretty cool to play, just you and the joystick dodging and weaving around pesky ghosts, chompin down those little dots, and eating big dots to OWN the ghosts by biting their heads off like a wild beast. Sometimes there's fruit or food floating around, worth a bunch of points, but more importantly needed to fuel your gains. High scores don't just happen, you need proper sustenance.
When you get your quarter in the machine, your hands tense, palms sweat, pulse rises, and you know it's go time. With any luck, swarms of beautiful women will pack in tightly around you as you guide their 1980s feminine pixel hero masterfully through the mazes, avoiding death with each turn and inching closer to surmounting the high score. The power is in your hands, and people who don't know that will realize when you strut proudly away from that arcade.
Drinks seemed under poured 3 stars.