| - The Tilted Kilt is definitely your boyfriend's favorite restaurant. Now, what you like most your about your boyfriend isn't his simple-minded misogyny, which allows places like this to exist, nor is your favorite thing about him his preference to be served by soft-core strippers in a tacky themed restaurant; rather, what you like most about your boyfriend is that he's just "one of the guys," a "man's man" if you will, who engages in traditional masculine acts, including, but not limited to: donning cargo shorts, "hanging out" with his "bros," drinking Miller Lite, and, of course, going to The Tilted Kilt on a regular basis.
Your girlfriends have been worried about you since you've started dating your boyfriend, who, by the way, you definitely want to marry and spend the rest of your life with. While it's true you do feel a little lonely after the fourth "guys' night" of the week, you assure your girlfriends that you've had "the talk" with your boyfriend and determined that it's just "harmless fun." "It's not about the boobs," he said, and you believe him, because again, he is your boyfriend, who you definitely love, and with that love comes an unquestionable, undeserving trust, "...they have tons of TVs for my sports and they also" Plus, both you and your boyfriend agree that your girlfriends are "way too uptight."
And when your boyfriend does come home, though often late and drunk, he's coming home to YOU. And that's what really matters.