| - Let's face it. With the exception of the scalp, hair everywhere else is unwelcome and has become synonymous with thorns on a rose -- no one wants the prickles, they only want the beautiful flower. And you can bet your flower will be hairless, I mean thornless, in no time at Stripped Esthetics (located inside Phenix Salons).
Of all the Brazilian waxing experiences I've had via Groupon, this place ranks high up there. Kristy possesses the natural conversational quality and has an easygoing personality that just makes you feel comfortable from the start. It was like talking to an old friend. That or she's a very good actress. Either way, it's awesome.
Like other reviewers have stated, the wax itself is considerably less painful here. It may be because of the hard wax, but also because she does smaller portions at a time. Some people value speed -- I've had waxes where I was done in 5 minutes -- but I prefer minimal pain and thoroughness. Kristy delivers both. Very important especially when you come in with a full-fledged rosebush. (Get it? Ahh okay...) She also took the time to tweeze out stray hairs.
I decided to get my underarms waxed too (done with soft wax) but word of advice, grow out them pits for maximum results. I felt like I should have waited a little longer for some of the hair growth cycles to catch up.
Overall, I think I've found one of my favorite waxing estheticians and definitely recommend her. Tell her I sent you over.
PS -- Don't get her confused with Bare Esthetics, which is also located inside Phenix Salons. They are both great estheticians, though!