I fell in love when I walked inside No One Writes to The Colonel!! And I know 'This is the Place!"!
Live DJ on Saturday night pumping out lively music just at the right volume. I didn't need to yell at my Yelp Drinking Buddy to get my message across.. but maybe I just want to yell at him??
Staffs were attentive and polite. Drinks are reasonably priced... I love my Strawberry Mojito ($8) though it gave me a sugar high just from drinking that.
Those armless cushion seating aren't the most comfortable but they do looks really cute. Their WIFI password is one of the most complicated I encountered, I don't know if people can type that in properly after a few drinks.
I know I will be back... No One Writes to The Colonel is the Place!! BTW, it is right next to an Ashtanga Yoga Studio.....