| - I had been eyeing this place for awhile as it looked interesting and the lack of over signage intrigued me into finding out what type of food was behind the giant glass panes that decked the front of the restaurant.
Now, I'll skip right past the mystery if there was any in the first place; it's an O&B restaurant. Not a bad thing necessarily, not a point in its favor either (I try and avoid chain restaurants sometimes). I find this out before I go and am unabated in wanting to go. I've looked at the menu and it looks good so there's no turning back now.
When I go I was here on a date, and so the main focus was really the date and not the food, but turns out the food maybe should have been the real focus....I'll get to that a bit later :D
So, we are looking over the mains and I suggest sharing the duck poutine pizza. I've noticed that most of my fellow Yelpers are also fans of this dish as it seems to account for about 65% of the pictures from here. It does not disappoint, it's cheesy and delicious and the fries are crisp, the gravy nice and flavorful and the shallots adding that extra zing that you need.
It is at this point I commit my first strategic error, I pay more attention to my date. Now don't get me wrong, 100 out of 100 times I'd suggest doing the same, but alas, this date doesn't pan out, which goes to show you that when choosing between your date and pizza, always choose pizza because unlike your date, pizza always works out!
That is all. Go get the pizza!