If you like scorpions, this is the place for you. I moved in at the end of May this summer. In under 7 months, I have had 27 scorpions (that I have found/killed) 2 of which stung me TWICE in my bed. I've lived in AZ my whole life and at my previous residence that was a few miles down the road, I saw a total of 3 in the year that I lived there. So I knew sightings were a possibility. But 27 is an infestation - NOT a sighting. Especially when you have 2 in your bed in a 4 month window of time. I ended up staying at my parents for a week because I was so freaked out after getting stung the first time. I went on Amazon and ordered diatomaceous earth and a 30 pack of glue traps. The DE did nothing. The glue traps simply became my own sick collection of corpses. The office gave me the same song and dance every time I called: "We will put your name on the list to have your apartment sprayed by Burns Pest Control" and that was useless. I had my apartment sprayed every Monday and guess what? I still was collecting live scorpions and then got stung again. I tried everything under the sun - natural oils, etc. Thankfully, my co-worker told me about something they used to help with their problem and it seems to be working. But I move next month and couldn't be happier. Building 13 needs to be treated PROPERLY for a scorpion INFESTATION and not a garbage 'routine' pest spray that does nothing. Thank God I don't have small children or this could have become very ugly. I've attached pictures of my collection I started after I got smart and decided to document this so I didn't sound crazy. Because 27 scorpions in under 7 months is something no one should have to live with, deal with, and have your landlord do nothing about. Be careful if you move in here because you'll get stuck since they trap you by having you sign a scorpion addendum. They obviously knew there was a problem when they snuck that into the lease agreement. I've signed multiple lease agreements with other places in the area and none of them had a scorpion addendum except for this place.