JetBlue 9/18/17
Flight611 from JFK to Las Vegas
First of all the Flight is about an hour or more delayed. Second this female heavy set flight attendant is very rude, never smiles (looks very miserable), my mom who is a senior citizen (72 y/o) to be exact is getting a snack from the snack bin and took her a lil longer coz she was choosing to which snack she will get and all
Of a sudden I heard from her smart mouth "Jeez", and I let that go. Thirdly, I was sick prolly 20 or 30 minutes from the start of the flight, I asked this flight attendant for a paper bag and she corrected me" you meant the sick bag" and I said ok. And then she came back with 2 bags. After a while I'm still feeling sick and asked for More. She questioned me " Where are you using these bags"?, I got very frustrated and upset. I said I am sick I am very nauseous. She asked me, If I wanted a big bag and I said " no I I wanted the same sick bag." She said we r out of thT. I said seriously ur out?she is very rude. She talked back and said " don't treat me like that"
Please train you're employees to do their job, it is sad that they are in customer service and can't function to their responsibilities.