| - Seldom do I write a 1 or 2 star review on a place that doesn't make me rage in some way. Langham Square doesn't make me rage. It makes me sad. It's a desolate wasteland of small stores with no customers and "for lease" signs. It's the mall equivalent of a jobless deadbeat who drove his kids out and drove his neighbours nuts.
I feel overwhelmingly sorry for the tiny mom and pop shops, possibly opened by immigrants, very likely promised an Asian retail paradise like P-Mall by some desperate realtor. The worst are the clothing stores, who rely 100% on impulse buys and foot traffic. Perhaps some specialty stores that don't solely rely on the retail space or have somehow garnered a great reputation can survive. Or some type of money laundering business, or otherwise shady business. I saw a very sketchy "faith healing' place with out-of-place pictures of "sexy" women.
Shame on the development company, who planned and approved this pile of crap with absolutely no understanding of the demographic or common sense. You expect people to come here, why?? The location is awkward, the only thing anchoring it is a freakin' supermarket, and there's absolutely no foot traffic. People come to buy groceries and then GO HOME. Or they come here to eat dinner at one of the several restaurants because they forgot to buy groceries that week, and then they also GO HOME.
Shame on the architect, who designed this monstrosity. Even with the lack of people, the parking lot is still nightmarish. Imagine if the mall had worked as it intended, it would be a goddamn catastrophe. The layout is dark and unappealing. No one would come here unless they had a purpose. Yes, there are some notable tenants like the best egg waffles in Markham at Toast Delight, or the popular salon Nailed It. Other than that, you might as well be wandering around a mall in post-apocalyptic China.
Shame on the party responsible for naming this piece of shit. You should be embarrassed to use the same name as the glittering commercial jewel in Hong Kong. It's a waste of resources and an absolute eyesore. It's a disgrace. You're a disgrace. Everyone involved is a disgrace. This whole endeavor is a disgrace. Everyone needs to repent for this retail nightmare and retake Business 101.
(92/100) - 2017