All my yoga gear used to come from this place. I used to get excited about Lululemon. It used to be a hidden gem straight out of Vancouver with very original clothes of a high-quality. Now it's just irritating. I'm an old-school Yogi and I still practice and teach. Lulumemon's quality has gone down & the prices up. Don't get me wrong, they were always high. But at least before it was worth it.
The girls in the store pose and look "hot," having private vocal fry conversations amongst themselves. Could the customers get helpful and knowledgeable instead please!?
Today I went in wanting to buy. I always go in wanting to buy.
But as usual I try something on, it's ill fitting, which never used to happen, and they don't even ask me for feedback! They just let me walk out the store without taking my $200 of potential business! So ridiculous. I'm surprised this place still exists. I guess it tailors to the mainstream now. So many workout and yoga lines of clothing nowadays, I buy elsewhere mostly.