I took my daughter in for a first-time appointment. The waiting room was really full, but the staff was friendly and efficient. Once we were taken in to an exam room we had a really friendly intake with a medical assistant and then we met Mike Roos, PA. at first I was a little hesitant because he was not the doctor... but within seconds we didn't care. Mike Roos was friendly, informative, funny, and fast. My daughter almost lost it when he told her that she had 5 miles that needed to be removed immediately - but he put her at ease and before we knew it it was all over and we were heading out the door with nothing more than some band-aids. Very simple, minimal pain (she said) and Mike Roos took control (in a very good, assertive way) of what could have been a very scary and unpleasant experience - and it was handled, over and he treated it like it was all totally good. Words like skin cancer and melanomas are horrifying... so go to someone who is going to be honest, pro-active and solution-oriented without freaking you out. I even made an appointment for myself for a letter date. Thanks DSC of LV!