I worked for Vivint Solar for about 3 years now doing multiple positions and helping offices and people around the country. Ive constantly bent over backwards for this company and never received equal compensation for anything ive done just we will do reviews soon, which was complete bull. After being trained on hooking up customers solar and seeing what horrible job vivint did installing it, i would never recommend working for them or getting their solar. Vivint solar used to be a good company to work for and have on your roof but not anymore.
I was recently taking on more work and kept getting told reviews were coming when they never ever were. I was working more and more hours picking up slack and going above and beyond every single day. This company does not care. So i had found a new job and was going to move my wife and 2 kids to texas and so i put my 2 weeks notice. 2 days later they fired me half way into my workday for no reason(i asked)
Dont put vivint solar on your roof. like other comments and people have said, it gets installed and doesnt work. I would go to multiple homes a day where wires werent plugged in or there was trash everywhere from the install. I could go on for days about how much you dont want vivint solar.
Im not bitter its just the truth.