| - Oh my gosh!!!!! My husband and I came here to this hotel to celebrate my 60th birthday and we just had one of the worst experiences in all my 60 years of earth. Even though MOST reviews of this hotel are dismal at best -- everyone warning of terrible hotel manners at best, we decided still to come here because of price. At checkin, they tried to charge us $10 for an early check-in at Noon, but did not because we took an upgrade of $20 per night - that should have been my first clue to run and not walk away from this hotel. But sadly I did not listen to my instincts that were telling me to run - we stayed - our mistake.
Here is what happened after deciding to stay. We went to dinner outside the hotel - and returned after dinner. My husband played the ponies at the sports bar and I was with him until I decided to play the slots. He joined me for a while at the slots and then he returned to the sports bar. I played a few different machines and then saw a machine on an end aisle and decided to go there.
I sat down and put a twenty into the machine and played a couple of max bets and won a little over $6 when all of a sudden an extremely drunk man came up on my left side with a beer in hand and started screaming at me that was his machine and that was his money. I explained to him that the machine was vacant and there was no money in the machine when I sat down and that was my money in the machine. He would not reason in his condition, so I cashed out and got up from the machine. I was searching for security and there was none! I walked around with this drunk following me screaming that was his voucher and finally saw a bar and went over to the barmaid and bartender to call security. I stayed there for "help" to arrive.
It was well over 10 minutes before security and they went over to the drunk who was now at my machine. Security never came over to me and eventually I had to go over to them.
The drunk was Hispanic and the security guard was Hispanic and the security guard started screaming at me that it was the drunk's money and that I had to give him my voucher of $26 and some change. I told the security guard that it was my money as I put $20 in the machine and won a little - big deal - a little over $6. But he would not hear any of it and continued to scream at me. I told him I wanted the hotel manager and instead of helping me, he kept demanding that I give the drunk my voucher. In front of the drunk, the security guard demanded that I give him my room number and ID.
I refused and walked away to find the front desk where we checked in to find the hotel manager. At the reception desk, the woman at the counter asked my room number, which I gave her, and she showed me where to stand to wait for the manager,
When the manager (Julio) came, I explained what was going on and he escorted me to a private room by the front desk. He said they would review the cameras and he asked me what I did with the voucher. I told him I ripped it up and threw it in the air and he said he would have done the same thing,
Then the most appalling thing of all happened!!! The Hispanic security officer came to the front room where we were and screamed at me and my husband that we were going to be evicted from the hotel immediately! It asked him why when I did nothing wrong. He repeatedly screamed at me that we were going to be escorted to our room to get our belongings and we would be escorted out of the hotel immediately!!!! I kept asking why. No answer. Julio the front desk manager heard all of this and said this was now out of his hands with security's decision and he threw his hands in the air and walked away. I never saw Julio again. We were shocked!!!!!
Then all of a sudden everything changed. They apparently took time to review the tapes and Steve the head security officer showed up as well as a woman who determined that this was my money as I told them from the beginning and they reconstructed my voucher and paid me my money $26.00 plus change as they finally determined I was telling the truth as I told them from the beginning. Steve said his security guard was wrong and had acted inappropriately towards me. Yeah, you think? I am a 60 year old woman celebrating my birthday with my husband and I am treated like a criminal. Security kept saying that what I did was criminal. I kept asking what did i do wrong? Picking the Stratosphere for my hotel stay in Vegas was wrong. They did nothing to help me and they did nothing to the drunk who attacked me!!!
Steve the head security officer found Brandon the head floor manager and offered us some complimentary buffets, which we refused. The was another slap in our faces!! I am still in shock. What happens in Vegas is a warning not to stay here!
UPDATE: When I got home. I contacted the Chairman of the Board and this office responded with an apology. They also comped our hotel stay that weekend and sent me a check for our airfare.