| - Completely unimpressed with this place, and I tried it twice.
The first time I went in there I was barely pregnant and I thought it would be a great starting point for seeing what prices were like. No one ever acknowledged my existence the whole time I was there and their prices were so high I almost left the place in tears because I was scared I would not be able to afford anything. I chalked it up to hormones and decided I would give it another try again at a later time.
I tried again recently, as I now have stuff to sell and a few things to buy in the clothing department. I walked in and was told everyone came in at once to sell and that I would either need to wait 20 minutes or leave the items. I said I would leave the items and that seemed to cause a problem because then the manager(?) asked someone else to look through my items immediately (again, I was told 20 minutes or leave) but with a bit of an attitude.
I got the impression they did not want me to watch them go through the items, so I wandered and noticed the prices. Especially now that I know what everything costs, the prices are INSANE. The toys, when on sale at a place like Target, are cheaper. The equipment is way overpriced and looks so used. $26 for a bumbo? They are $36 brand new with coupon at Buy Buy Baby. The clothes, when on sale at their respective stores, are also the same price or cheaper. I stopped shopping because the prices were so bad and I wandered back up front.
That is is where I found a teenager going through my clothing. I asked what the process was and she said she wasn't done so I took that as my hint to wander again. I then returned and asked if she was finished, as she was now fixing bows in another department. She told me they could offer me $8. However, I had to ask what they took and why. I then asked what they were offering for each item and got no answer, again just a total. I am still not exactly sure what items they took, but in the end I think I averaged about $1 per piece. Interesting, considering how high their prices are for everything. There is no way they even gave me 30% of their price.
Don't misunderstand me, I understand they do not have to take my stuff and I am not offended at all. I was just unimpressed with the process. When you go to other resale places the process is clear:
1. Stay with your stuff or drop at your own risk. First come, first served.
2. If you stay, they usually explain why they pass on a piece. If they take it, they offer the price. You can say yay or nay, even negotiate.
3. The ticket is handed to you to take to the register.
4. You get your cash or credit and bounce.
Not hard, folks.
And, may I add that although I love teenagers (I truly do) how exactly are they qualified to judge brands, quality, etc. of baby/children's items if they have not had their own child and/or extensive training? My guess is they pass on items all the time because the teens have no idea what they are looking at or what something is.
In conclusion, I will not give this place a third chance. You are much better off giving your items to charity for a family that needs a bargain, rather than a business overcharging their customers.