| - Okay, I normally would not take the time to review a food court stop, but since Yelp was what lead me here (I was craving Thai food, saw the very good reviews for this place and made the short trek from work) I feel I must offer some insight for future patrons like me. I normally bring my lunch and if I don't I don't normally eat at food courts. Perhaps as far as food courts go this place is phenomenal. But compared to real life... um, no.
The positives are that the women working there were very friendly and I was pleasantly surprised that the dishes were actually quite spicy and had a very good flavour. The price was amazing - it came to $9 for 3 options plus noodles. And the amount of food piled into my dish was alarming - my weak little arm actually ached from carrying it back to my office.
Some of what I consider negatives overlap with what could be considered positives. Let me preface this by saying I am a huge pig who will eat whatever is in front of me until I want to barf. Yet I was only able to finish 1/4 of this meal before feeling repulsively stuffed. What I consider to be wrong with this is the simple economics of food. Spending $9 on takeout food should not provide me with four meals. I know what meat and vegetables cost. Add in the need to pay staff and make a profit and I am concerned at what the quality of this food must be if I can be served 12 pounds of chicken and noodles for $9.
Which leads me directly to the quality of the food. I have worked in chicken-centric restaurants and cooked many a poultry dish in my life. Yet I am still perplexed as to what parts of the chicken are stewing in my Styrofoam tray. The two white meat curries consist of rubbery, thin pieces of boiled-like chicken akin to what I would deem too low grade to feed my cat. The one dark meat dish is possibly not chicken. It's possibly a new species of animal discovered and kept secret by the chefs at Green Curry. An animal made up mostly of gristle, fat and rubbery bits. I have deemed it inedible and am throwing it in the garbage. Chicken aside, while the sauce on the noodles is quite delicious, the noodles resemble spaghetti that has been cut up for a child. It tastes good but it would be hard to argue for its quality.
Basically, if you are someone who does not care about your health or sodium intake, wants quantity over quality, and enjoys a great bargain over a culinary experience, then based on the flavour of the curry dishes and noodles (spicy noodles, red, green and golden chicken curry) and price I would recommend it. If, like me, you would rather maybe spend a bit more on a smaller portion but get quality ingredients you can feel okay about eating, eating here will only leave you with feelings of regret and terrible stabbing pains in your stomach. This is going to be an uncomfortable afternoon and I may have to undo my pants at my desk.
Also, there was no line when I went at 1:30pm - just one dude ahead of me.