| - Peter Piper Pizza meets Old Town Scottsdale. Good pizza, friendly service, awesome patio, yet it felt a little like dining at a daycare center. This place has all the makings of the next Old Town hot spot, except it was a few clowns shy of a circus. There were kids running all over the place while parents ignored them, huge tables of t-ball teams, kids screaming; it was a mess. Maybe they advertised at some mom groups or elementary schools or something but it was odd. You wouldn't expect it at most other Old Town spots so why here?
For the record, I don't hate kids. I just don't want to hear them running around as I try to enjoy a nice meal while the parents forget their responsibilities and treat the servers as babysitters.
On the plus side, the place is massive, the patio is great, they had some really interesting pizza options and the service was solid. Maybe the kids just showed up and took over. Or maybe they should try to better cater to the crowd that will order more than kids meals if they want to make it in the Scottsdale dining scene. Time will tell. I'm rooting for you, Boss!