| - You can't come all the way to Tempe Marketplace and skip Mojo, that'd be like going to 2035 in a time machine and not flying a jet pack. You just wouldn't do it, except for maybe if you don't like to fly or are afraid of heights, you wouldn't, but, if you LOVE jetpacks, topped with, say, jet fuel and racing stripes, throw in a fancy push button throttle and electronic ignition, you definitely wouldn't skip it. I'd trade in my space suite for a ride on one of those jet packs. Now if you travel back to the future to prevent Biff from getting his hands on the sports almanac in order to prevent him from taking over the Mojo's of the world, cause where we're going, you don't need roads, and eventually end up riding a steam powered train to get home for dinner, then you know exactly what I'm talking about.
Unfortunately, what Mojo lacks in the way of Jetpacks and racing stripes, they make up for in froyo and delicious toppings. If you end up here on a Tuesday, be sure to check out their facebook page for their word of the day, say the word and get yourself half off your entire order of frozen, delicious yogurt. You could end up walking out with the tallest friggen cup of yogurt, for say, about, half the price. That's only 25% of what you would have paid if you came here on a Monday and filled up your cup with twice as much yogurt. Do the math, I promise its better than Monday's.
My favorite is always cookie monster, but during the holiday season its usually replaced with apple pie, eggnog, peppermint, or something of the likes, and baby I likes. Top mine off with coconut flakes and at 30(ish) calories an ounce you can feel good about your frozen treat, you'll need to forgo the candies, chocolate sauces, and gummie worms to stay down towards the 30/oz mark though ;-)
As always, happy Yelping - see you in 2035 on my jetpack!