| - What a waste of time! I found floss dental on yelp and decided to give them a try, considering how hard it is to find a decent dentist. I scheduled for a regular cleaning and exam, keeping in mind that i might need a deep cleaning on a quadrant or two. I arrived 25 minutes early ( taking time off work by the way) I explained to the girls up front that I will be paying out of pocket, I have no dental coverage. I was reassured that it will be $40 dollars for x-rays, exam and a cleaning. here is how it played out....
1. I signed in at 2:35 ( my actual appointment was scheduled at 3 pm)
2. They keep me waiting for 45 minutes... at 3:45 I spoke up and complained about the wait...finally i was called in at 4:05
3. They took X-rays, which took about 10 minutes, then waited another 20 minutes or so for the dentist to review my x-rays.
4. He walked into the room, didn't even have the decency to properly introduce himself but was eager to explain that I need a deep cleaning on all 4 quadrants!!!...and he said i don't have any cavities.... I asked him to show me the x-rays and to point out the problem areas? he said that i have plaque under my gums on my left upper and lower quads ( he was surprised to see me know the difference of quads ect...I have had a deep cleanings in the past, therefore I know when its recommended or not!!) i simply asked him why are you recommending a full mouth deep cleaning if i only need the left? UP SELL!!!!! I asked him if i don't have a cavity, i might have another issue because i have sensitivity on one of my teeth on the left side and he said no.....i said but you have not even examined my mouth yet?!?!?! so he asks me to lay, takes 10 seconds to check my mouth and says the girl upfront will be coming over with the estimate and walked away....... $730.00 was the estimate for a deep cleaning on all four quads, with no option of declining and getting a regular cleaning!!! ...I declined and just wanted to walk out of there...I paid the $40 and didn't even get a polish. I asked the girl upfront to e-mail me the x-rays so i can find another dentist and not have to expose my self to all the radiation again, she agreed, had me sign a release form and i never got the email. I called back a few times but have been ignored. Horrible experience!! Whats the deal? Am i not worthy of a decent exam because I don't have dental insurance??? I will never recommend anyone to go to floss dental...they will lie and try to up sell you.