I'm not the type that usually shops at Macy's, but they had a killer deal on a set of pans (which we desperately needed at home), so I placed an order online and drove down here to pick them up on the way home from work.
First of all, Macy's has a good online ordering and notification system. They send you a confirmation email for your order, then a followup email of when your stuff will be ready to be picked up. Included in this email are instructions on where to go once you get to the store. I walked in, told them I was here for a pickup, they pointed me to a desk to go to, went in the back and got my pans, and I was on my way. The 2 ladies I dealt with were very nice and friendly and my total time in the store was only around 10 minutes.
I would not hesitate to something online again and pick it up here at Arrowhead. The whole transaction was smooth as could be and I got 2 new pans for a killer price. Score!