| - Greeted immediately upon entering. Large scale home rugs were on the front left side, along with upholstery fabrics too- middle front of the store- many patterns, about six according to general color scheme were in one given area; there were many of these combinations. A very small section with $1.50 yard fabrics, some of these would make a good dress lining- about 8 bolts, were there- caught my eye, but I wanted to check out the rest of the store. The clearance section (bolts were standing in the racks) was in the back, left side of the store. ALL SALES FINAL. The price tag had two prices on it, the one with the YOUR PRICE is the one to focus on. Yes, those fabrics were very affordable. We were very interested in a bolt with the sticker covered over, so of course, we had to ask for assistance. We decided to get it, so he took it to the front cutting counters. It ended up being $4.00 a yard, so we got a couple yards for covering up our animal print ottoman (doesn't match with our beach theme). Otherwise, the general pricing was $14.99 a yard (mostly cotton fabrics btw). So many pretty fabrics, so many possibilities. Near the cutting counters, were decorator throw pillows for $9.99 located in in metal bins. Along the wall, right side of the store, were assorted trims and tassels, etc. Some trims were as low as 99 cents a yard, some tassels (final sale) were priced at 50 cents each (so very cheap!). I also spotted zippers, but couldn't find the price tags.
Clean store, good pricing on the final sale items- cotton fabrics- clearance (back) and special buys (front), trims (front right side), and tassels (front right side). Definitely worth checking out if you are in the area (where I am originally from in Northern California- my mom and I would frequent these store because she used to make clothes for my sister and me, there is much more variety in fabric stores, but seems to be slim pickings here). If you are needing other types of fabric (jersey, costume, satin, fleece, quilting quarters), Jo-Ann's in closeby.
A couple things kinda bothered me about the store. One, the manager, seemed to be checking on us, though it would seem a little hard to shoplift uncut fabric. Do people really shoplift fabric? And two, there were signs stating that cutting your own swatches of fabric constitutes shoplifting. Who does this? But I am willing to overlook these two things because I am always looking for good deals.