| - This place can use a bit of quality control.
1. The gas - Hey, it is a chevron station, so it has decent gas, no issue there.
2. The car wash - I go here really for the car wash. It is no great deal at 19.00 for the Ultimate or 22.00 for the Ultimate with Rain X. So, you would expect a high quality service.
3. Outside, good job, Inside floor, good job.
4. What do you notice the most - THE WINDOWS... First 10 minutes look great. Second 2000 minutes - all you can see are the wipe marks from using dirty towels, or not putting elbow grease into the windows.
5. For a small car, I tip a lot , 5.00 because I thought that these guys would work hard. Well, the quality is in the details and here, I am not happy. For this level of cleanliness, you should find another place. I have gone here quite a few times and this last one was the worst...
Check it out, and if you have a better place, go there instead... GK