| - I was a big fan of this place when it was a Menchie's. Now it's an independent yogurt brand which is cool, but the product and experience just doesn't cut it. Let's face it: the service has always been really bad here, the machines are frequently broken, and the toppings are not-so-fresh or are empty, but Chilly Willie's is nothing short of a complete dessert disaster area.
I went here at least twice a week but after my last visit, it will be just that: my last. For a month or so after it de-identified as a Menchie's, Chilly Willie's was still serving something that was awfully similar to Menchie's product. Yes, the exact same yogurt flavors and even more curious, the same texture and taste. They were even using the same Menchie's yogurt product nutrition signs (see my photos for irrefutable proof)! I contacted Menchie's corporate office and they didn't care, which absolutely shocks me. I'm not sure if they are still using the signs because I haven't been back in a a few weeks but their new yogurt is HORRIBLE. The flavors are downright disgusting and the texture is also "off." I love dessert but this stuff is nasty!
The toppings are much lower quality now (bye bye fresh berries, hello cheap watermelon chunks). The decor looks like some kid threw all of his monkey themed toys inside and ran away. No cohesive theme and just super junky and unappealing. There's also an embarrassing Keurig coffee machine on the counter (yes folks, they want you to pay a giant markup to brew a K-Cup pod!!) and a super tacky milkshake machine like you'd find at the gas station down the street.
I just can't wrap my head around this mess.
And as the final insult and slap in the face to former customers, Chilly Willie's is no longer having to pay a Menchie's franchise fee but guess what? Their prices stayed the same! You'd think they would lower the prices since they aren't in the franchise system but nope, greed just took over. So you are paying premium Menchie's prices for a far inferior product.
I figure as more and more of their former customers go here, they will (like me) eventually not go back. Customers aren't stupid, and I for one refuse to pay high prices for a crappy tasting product. When Chilly Willie's closes its doors, I will be neither sad nor surprised.