The system in which you order needs to be improved greatly. So does the courtesy of the employees. Customer service is just as important as the palatableness and quality of the food.
The coffee is never pleasant it seems like an afterthought left in a pot. The entrées are reasonable for taste for the health conscious but seems more than slightly over priced. The bread and pastries are delicious. I frequented this place often in the past but there are so many more interesting options with better quality for the price point.
Wildflower must go back to its roots to make me a loyal customer again. Too many short cuts and compromises from the place it used to be. The staff seems minimally trained and unfamiliar with the ingredients in many basic staples. While I understand this may be a first time job for many, unknown ingredients could spur life threatening allergies.
If I were evaluating Wildflower Bread Company solely on the bakery it would be 4.5 stars. But that is too generous for the restaurant/café as a whole, IMHO, especially when there are so many other options from non-chain restaurants.