2nd Review: I've been to Icehouse on 5 different occasions so obviously, I've been a fan. But not anymore. I was quite disappointed in the way they handle their clients if they happen to be a pair. Here's what happened:
On our arrival we were asked if we would like to sit outside but declined because it was windy and cold. Despite there being 2 free seats at the bar we were told to wait - I did mention them to the waitress but she didn't acknowledge me. I just figured they don't use those seats for customers. After 10 mins of waiting in the cold a table was freed up and we were asked if we would like these seats but that we could only have them if we're willing to share with 2 other people. We said sorry, no thanks.
So a pair of ladies came in and was promptly seated at the 4pax table because they were okay sharing tables. Another 15 mins go by and two guys show up and the waitress asks them if they would like to sit at the two seats at the bar that were free (but we thought it wasn't available because she ignored me when I asked about it), to which they reply:
"But these 2 were here before us"
and she says
"Ce n'est pas grave" (Oh don't worry about it)
And in they go to sit to eat. Why didn't see give those seats to us before and why is she letting them in before us?!
Needless to say we were getting annoyed as it was the 3rd pair of people who were seated before us. We felt like we were being punished for not wanting to have our dinner right next to two strangers.
Shortly after a table for 4 becomes free and after 5-10 mins of waiting (expecting they would give it to us..) I ask the other waiter what's the deal. I tell him we've been waiting 30+ mins in the cold and that there's a free table inside that we could use. He says "We only have two 2pax tables and this is our policy." I tell him it's a ridiculous policy and he shrugs it off and leaves.
What a terrible way to treat your customers, especially when there's no one waiting behind us in line. It's not like we were even holding bigger groups back or anything. We just stood there incredulous and decided to leave. Lesser patient people would have made a much bigger fuss much earlier. Instead I felt this review would be enough to let others know that if you're a couple and don't wish to sit right against 2 strangers, you better hope those 2 places inside are free and that the waitress doesn't pick favorites.