I would like to say that I LOVE the Kohl's store in Rock Hill! However, I went to the South Blvd store at lunch (my job is close by) to shop for WOMEN'S corduroy pants thinking the selection would be greater. Upon entering the store, I noticed the ENTIRE left side was "MISSES" and I anticipated approaching MY "Plus" section with each step. No such luck! I asked a clerk where the WOMENS/PLUS SIZE DEPT was & was lead back to the MISSES area, saying there was some "stuff in there".(Still nothing here in my size 20 I needed.) Thinking I had missed something, I approached another associate and asked was it upstairs? Yes, it was...on the backside of the escalator she said. I almost walked by the area b/c it was so small. There were 4 other ladies shopping in this 15 x 15 space (I've seen Livingrooms bigger than this!). It was in need of being straightened up as pants were thrown in the corner. I thought this area gets ALOT of use! When the average woman's size in this country is a size 14, we "big girls" do not need to be relegated to the "back bin" or beside the maternity section. Rock Hill store does not do this!! It is clearly marked with a sizable area and great selection. Surely, Charlotte has more ladies of size like Rock Hill does. Shopping should be an enjoyable recreation for us. Somewhere that doesn't make us feel like an afterthought or second-class. I left empty-handed, thinking how I will just stick with the Rock Hill location.