I have lived in Lakewood for about 5 years and I can walk to the beer engine. That being said I recommend a to go order.
The food is great, one of the better burgers in Lakewood, but the service is just awful. I continue to give this place a chance thinking maybe the staff has changed but no. If you sit at the bar you will see 5-7 employees continue to pass by you but never smile or acknowledge you they seem to be too busy cleaning or stocking supplies to be bothered with saying hello. If you sit down you get better service but when you ask a question about the beers they would recommend it's usually an annoyed response of "idk I've never tried it".
My friends and I like to try different spots around town and make friends with the service staff especially at the places by our home but all of us hate coming here.
I have eaten most things off the menu at this point because I will call for a to go order. The patio is nice and it's an enjoyable atmosphere but my interactions with the staff just make me never want to come here.