| - I asked some local family members where to go to find cool old books, and used books in general, and I was directed here. When we walked in it only took a few seconds to realize that the place was very well organized. I took a moment to scan the store to see the sections before selecting a place to start. It was not like one of those confusing old bookstores where everything is hit or miss. We found old books in foreign languages (mostly german and french, with some latin, spanish, portugese, and others). The old books were really amazing. They were reasonably priced. Fairly priced. Unlike some other bookstores that just push for profits. They had some that were more valuable up in front, and some glass cases that you could peruse without even asking for help to open the cabinets. There were more unusual cultural studies academic-type books, and other sections that you might not always find. And perhaps most unusual, was that they had an incredible art section, complete with architecture, photography, and even old music scores. I found the medical selection a little lacking, but no place is perfect--though this place probably comes pretty close...
We were able to get a lot of great stuff, and I will certainly try to come back to this place every time I am in town.