Cheap, BUT the large man who oversees the customer flow (apparently the "boss") at the front HAS NOT HAD A SHOWER IN LIKE A MONTH. Totally disgusting. You can smell him six feet away. I had to literally cover my face when he would walk by. His odour is pungent, overwhelming and unhygienic. I don't think I can go back, he was that stinky. If the head staff cannot have the basic decency to keep their bodies clean, lord knows how they treat the produce. I feel sorry for the four or five very nice cashiers who have to work in the presence of such a disgusting and preventable odour. For gods sake, dude, take a shower!!!!
Update: I forgot about the smelly guy and went back there in April 2017. This means that his odour had an odour endurance rating of about 13-14 weeks. food was cheap and not smelly this time. Adding a star.
Remember there are Plenty of Alternatives (PA for short) for great produce at cheap prices.