This place is amazing; selection, prices, and customer service. Selection; this place has a lot more tile colors, finishes, and types to choose from compared to ANYWHERE in Scottsdale. Price; tile here is 1/3!!! (Yes folks, one-third) the cost of both Arizona Tile or The Tile Shop. Those places are $4.99-5.99 sq ft. At AZ Discount Flooring most tiles we liked were $1.59-1.99. Customer Service; here is where they earned a 6th-Star. I bought 1500 sq ft of tile, had about 200 sq ft installed and then my wife and I didn't like it, totally didn't match our home like we thought it would. We hated it actually. We didn't know what to do. We called Marie and she worked with us to return our unused tile and purchase new tile. Marie is the BEST! I highly, highly recommend this place to everyone.