I went here with a groupon deal for a massage. The place seems really sketchy from the exterior as its located amidst factories. Inside, it didn't really feel like a spa. The pedicure treatment chairs and tables for manicures were all bunched up together .. made me feel claustrophobic. The room I was in the for the massage was called "zen" and it was zen like with the music etc. The lady who gave me my massage was TINA. She is good but my only complaint is that I was completely taken aback when she offered to give me a massage with her knee. I know she isn't a RMT but I was thrown off. She then slathered the same oil on her knees/legs that she was putting on me and attempted to give me a massage with her LEGS! I had to stop her because it put me off completely and didn't feel hygienic. If she had kept to her hands, I may have walked away feeling good but that experience was plain weird. Also, the place seems like they cater a lot to men. While I was waiting for my massage, they received two voicemail inquiries from males and the voicemail was loud enough to be heard by me. That was a little off putting as well. When I think spa I think class and this place wasn't classy at all.