Lord oooooh lord... please help the young gentlemen that works here. I don't know if he was not paying attention or is just not using common sense but it did not make me want to come back.
Having a bad day at work... Parent yelling at me over billing... Biteds happening let and right... I was on a dessert kick and needed it stat. Driving over to the local DQ I was getting a banana split for me and a blizzard for my friend.
"Can I have a banana split? Only chocolate syrup on top please, not all three pictured" Response: "Uhhh, so chocolate syrup?" I said yes whatever that delicious chocolate stuff is on top" Response again, "Uhhh, so hot fudge?" This is where i got annoyed "I want whatever comes on the banana split chocolate wise just NOT the red syrup or yellow one in the picture.
"What else can I get for you?" He said. I was getting a knot in my stomach and it wasnt because of my appetite. I knew I was about to have another issue again. "Can I get a cookie dough blizzard please" Response: "Okay" Wow, that was simple. Dun Dun dun.
As he hands me my desserts he says, "Here's your cookies and cream blizzard" Oh lordy... "No I wanted Cookie dough". response again, "Oh I don't think we have it" I knew theyhad it because I've ordered it many times before and this man was not going to get between me and my two desserts. "Can you go check" When he finally came back he stated" Oh sorry we do have it, I thought you wanted cookies and cream"
By the time I got the blizzard I was afraid he might have done something to it so I decided to skip it and just eat the banana split then gave the blizzard to a coworker. Hehe