In my quest to check out all Japanese markets in the greater Las Vegas area, I just happen to see this on my nearby search feature on my phone.
Located in a nice plaza off of Eastern Avenue, this place is just to the right of Monta Chaya. I love these quaint little markets because they give you that cozy feeling. Probably because these places are mom and pop owned. Plus supporting your local business is always a good thing.
As I went in, I am greeted in Japanese by what I assume was one of the owners in the form of a nice old lady. The first thing I looked for was any Kit Kat flavors I havnt tried yet. All they had were the dark chocolate ones. I asked the lady when they get new flavors and all she could tell me was that they are mostly seasonal.
As I walked around, I noticed a lot of common Japanese staples you would find at other places. For this place I noticed they had all sorts of different kinds of sushi in the refrigerated section. This was something I havnt seen at other Japanese markets or maybe I just wasn't looking hard enough.
So in my ever growing discovery of Japanese markets, this place is very similar to all the others that I have encountered and will stop by any time I am in the area.
Yelp 2014 365 Review Challenge #11