I walked long and far to get here to try these vegan cupcakes. I was especially excited to try the espresso cupcakes, but when i got here the woman behind the counter explained that the icing had no espresso in it, but the cake batter had more than enough to satisfy my craving. Already i was disappointed, and with reason. The cupcake lacked the espresso flavor that I was looking for, and the buttercream icing added nothing to it. The two didn't compliment each other. I couldn't make out the taste of the cake, but it really wasn't a good cupcake for whatever flavor it was. Too bland, nothing special, nothing memorable. Same with the lemon cupcake. I really didn't get a lemon taste at all. The one thing i did love were their cheese biscuits!! I would go back just for the biscuits, but I had to dock 3 points because of the disappointing cupcakes.