| - For four years I have enjoyed my Audi A7 that was supplied from the Findlay Auto group via Audi Henderson so when I decided I needed a larger vehicle it was an easy choice to check out Findlay owned Land Rover of Las Vegas.
Upon entering the the showroom I was promptly greeted by Sales Guide Donny Tackett. He showed me some cars on the lot and offered a test drive. I had researched quite extensively and I had an idea of their inventory. I knew exactly what I wanted. Sport, White with Black roof and a light interior.
Before I had the chance to share my requirements with Donny we were setting out on our test drive and he pointed out a car that had just arrived. It was covered in the plastic that protects the new car during transit. I couldn't really see what it even was! He explained it was a LTD edition HST. So I had been researching for days, I knew it all, I thought. Wrong. I'd never even heard of this car. Upgraded motor, different interior, wheels and much more. So not white, not a light interior but simply beautiful.
After test drive we sat at the desk. Gulp. Get ready, here we go. Hand over the keys to my Audi for appraisal and brace for low offer. Second time today I was wrong. They made a very fair offer, we negotiate briefly, they sweetened the deal a little and we agreed the transaction. It's now One o'clock. We arrange pick up at six.
Arrive at Six. All is perfect, car is clean. Donny thoroughly explains the car, connects Bluetooth, arranges DMV paperwork. Outstanding.
Car dealing can be contentious but shouldn't be. It should be enjoyable and at Land Rover LV I am delighted to say it was extremely enjoyable.
Great experience, my HST is amazing and I thank Donny and the team at Land Rover.